Hello, welcome to 2:45 AM Comics! This is the first post from 2:45 AM Comics with our new site, so we here at 2:45 AM Comics thought it would be appropriate to make a welcome post (to 2:45 AM Comics). As at the previous incarnation of 2:45 AM Comics, it is our goal to present a series of humorous images loosely presented as comics, hence the word "comics" in the name "2:45 AM Comics." We at 2:45 AM Comics hope that every visitor to 2:45 AM Comics enjoys the material on 2:45 AM Comics and stays a while. Come back to 2:45 AM Comics tomorrow for a new entry in the 2:45 AM Comics archive!
If that doesn't make us the first result in a Google search for 2:45 AM Comics, I give up.
Fallen by the wayside... TO THE EXTREME!!!